Pavel Durov, the CEO and founder of the popular messaging app Telegram, has been detained in France as part of a cyber-crime investigation. The Paris prosecutor announced on Monday that Durov is being held in connection with 12 alleged offenses, including illicit transactions, child exploitation material, fraud, and failure to cooperate with authorities.
In response, Telegram described the allegations as “absurd,” asserting that it is unreasonable to hold the platform or its owner responsible for abuse of the service.
Who Is Pavel Durov?
Pavel Durov, 39, is a Russian-born billionaire who initially gained prominence by founding VKontakte, a major social media network in Russia. Durov left Russia in 2014 after resisting government demands to shut down opposition groups on VKontakte. He founded Telegram in 2013 and now operates the company from Dubai, UAE, where he resides. Durov holds citizenship in both the UAE and France, although Russia still considers him a citizen.
Telegram is one of the world’s largest messaging platforms, boasting approximately 950 million monthly active users. It is known for its expansive group size capabilities, allowing up to 200,000 members per group, compared to WhatsApp’s 1,000-user limit. The platform is favored in Russia, Ukraine, and among pro-democracy activists in Iran and Hong Kong.
While Telegram offers end-to-end encryption for private chats, this feature is not enabled by default for all communications. The platform has faced criticism for the potential spread of misinformation and extremist content in its large groups.
Reactions to Durov’s Arrest
Following Durov’s arrest, prominent figures have voiced their opinions. Elon Musk posted #FreePavel on X, sharing a clip of Durov discussing his stance on content moderation. Edward Snowden condemned the arrest as an infringement on fundamental rights, criticizing French President Emmanuel Macron for allegedly using Durov as a “hostage” to access private communications.
Russian politician Vyacheslav Volodin suggested that the arrest may be influenced by the United States, claiming that Telegram is one of the few major platforms not under US control.
President Macron addressed the situation on social media, denying any political motivations behind the arrest and emphasizing that it is a judicial matter to be resolved by the courts.